Original Article By Grant Atkinson At WND.com

The establishment media would have you believe everyone inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 was a violent right-wing extremist who forced their way into the building. For many people in attendance that day, this was far from the case.

“Capitol Punishment” tells the real story of Jan. 6 from the people who witnessed it first hand without establishment media meddling. You can sign up today to see the movie as soon as it premieres on Thanksgiving Day.

“I just saw Capitol police move the barriers, and they’re letting people into the Capitol,” producer Chris Burgard said in the film.

Other attendees had similar experiences to Burgard. Derek Kinnison said he never went into the building, but he did see a set of open doors.

“My partner Tony [Martinez], he looked at me, I looked at him, he said, ‘What do you think about that?'” Kinnison said in the documentary. “And I said, ‘I don’t like it.’ He said, ‘No, that’s like a spider web. It feels like a trap.'”

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Yet while officials on one side of the building seemingly did not try to stop people from entering, some on the other side of the building reportedly fought hard. Easton Cantwell, who was also at the Capitol on Jan. 6, said this contrast was confusing to him.

“Why are you letting people in on one side of the building but then fighting a raging battle on the other?” he said.

When the FBI started making home visits to Jan. 6 attendees, they did not make such distinctions. Those interviewed in the film reveal everyone was treated as a domestic terrorist, whether they entered the building forcefully through windows, peacefully through open doors, or not at all.

This unjust treatment was a driving factor for producers Nick Searcy and Chris Burgard when they decided to make “Capitol Punishment.” If you want to hear the real story of Jan. 6 and the federal government’s tactics when the film debuts on Thanksgiving Day, you can order your copy now.

Searcy said when the film started, the goal was to talk to current or former politicians and advisers who had knowledge of the situation. This included people like Gen. Michael Flynn, the former United States Army lieutenant general who briefly served as the national security advisor for former President Donald Trump.

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Flynn does appear in the documentary, and he gives valuable insight. But once the producers began conducting interviews, Searcy said the central focus of the film slightly changed.

“As shooting progressed, it became more evident that our real story had to be about the people who were being persecuted for nothing, for just going to Washington, basically for just saying out loud that they believe the election is stolen,” he said in an interview with The Western Journal.

Searcy said he experienced some backlash himself for being at the Capitol on Jan. 6. He recounted a story where a casting director he considered to be a friend began spreading a lie about him entering the building.

“That sort of whisper campaign, I mean I’m sure that’s going on, but I can’t worry about that anymore,” Searcy said. “You know, it’s like I’ve gotten to the point in my life where that part of it doesn’t mean what it used to mean to me.

“And I’d rather be doing projects like [“Capitol Punishment”] that I believe in that, you know, tell the truth about a situation that we are being lied to about.”

For Burgard, the idea to make a documentary about Jan. 6 came to him organically during a question and answer session for a different documentary he and Searcy had worked on together.

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“Somebody asked us in the Q&A, ‘If you would do a sequel, what would it be?'” Burgard said. “And I said it would be D.C., 1/6, and they said, ‘Why?’ I said, ‘Because everything they’re telling you is a lie, and you just witnessed a coup on the United States of America, and this is a color revolution.'”

In the view of Burgard and Searcy, Jan. 6 and the subsequent responses have been about a government suppressing political dissent. It’s why they made “Capitol Punishment” in the first place, and it’s why the film is a much-watch this Thanksgiving. Sign up now to stream “Capitol Punishment” when it debuts on Nov. 25, 2021.