
Category: Law And Crime

Is Biden Trying To Influence The Jury In Hunter Trial? Sure, Why Not?

Original Article By WorldTribune.com:

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party that props him up like to say that “no one is above the law.”

Maybe one day old Joe will go off script and insert “except for me, my family, and other Democrats I like.”

With their presence in Delaware on Monday as jury selection began in son Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges, Joe and Jill Biden certainly seemed to be sending a message to potential jurors, HotAir’s Karen Townsend noted.

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Trump-Hating Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe FINALLY Comes Clean After Years of Lying – Says Carter Page FISA Application to Spy on Trump Was “Wrong” and a “Mistake”

Original Article By Jim Hoft At TheGatewayPundit.com:

Trump-Hating former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe joined CNN’s Jim Acosta on Wednesday to defend FISA secret spying on American citizens.

McCabe finally admitted that the Carter Page FISA application used by the deep state to spy on Trump and his administration in an attempt to bring him down was a mistake.

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US House Passes Bill Renewing Warrantless Surveillance Under FISA Section 702 Amid Privacy Concerns

Ignoring rising privacy concerns, the US House of Representatives gave the green light on Friday to a bill renewing the warrantless surveillance program under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Section 702, for the next two years. However, the vote witnessed the piecing together of conservative resistance that had stalled a prior chance at its approval. A shorter renewal period, as opposed to an initially proposed five-year term, was agreed upon in an attempt to win over Republican dissenters, culminating in a 273-147 vote in favor of the bill.

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The Twists And Turns Of Trump’s Legal Journey

Original Article By Ted Noel At AmericanThinker.com:

Rather than walk through all the convoluted bits of Trump’s active Federal cases, it’s probably better if I simply hit the bullet points on the ones being heard right away. I’ll try to skip over lots of legalese on the way to giving you a clearer view of complicated processes.  You can dig in farther to understand more details before the D.C. Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court rule on the cases in front of them. All the pleadings are on line. The shortest ones are about forty pages.

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Terrorist Attacks In America: For What Are They Waiting?

We somehow managed to get through Christmas and New Year’s Eve without terrorist attacks. For what are they waiting?

The FBI has admitted they’re watching at least 300 people on the Terrorist Watch List (TWL). Never mind why people on the TWL were allowed into the country so they could be watched in the first place. That’s “need to know” and Americans don’t have a need to know. Our security apparatus has also admitted thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of military aged males from countries that would like every American dead have crossed the border. These are countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and many others. They’ve also grudgingly admitted it appears plenty of these military aged males, who happen to be Chinese, just might be members of the Chinese military. 

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Fedsurrection Anniversary Day – They Needed an Emergency Session

Following the scale of manipulation within the 2020 election, those who did the manipulation, which included support from the FBI and DOJ, justified to keep their institutional agencies from being exposed, needed to do something to stop any state delegate challenge.  One successful state election challenge would have upended the entire system.  They needed an emergency session for the January 6th electoral certification.

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Ex-Facebook Diversity Manager Pleads Guilty To Bilking $4M From Company In Kickback Scheme: Feds

A former Facebook diversity program manager pleaded guilty to scamming the social media giant out of more than $4 million through a scheme in which she faked business deals in exchange for kickbacks, the Justice Department said.

Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who served as lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, used the stolen funds to live an extravagant lifestyle that spanned from California to Georgia, prosecutors said.

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Trump Lawyers Drop Bombshell Revelations About Biden Regime and Jack Smith in Classified Docs Hearing

Trump’s lawyers on Wednesday afternoon attended a hearing in Fort Pierce, Florida on whether Judge Cannon will agree to postpone the classified documents trial currently scheduled for May 2024.

Trump’s lawyers dropped bombshell revelations during the hearing on Wednesday, according to reporter Julie Kelly.

Trump’s lawyers told Judge Cannon they discovered a June 2023 letter asking DOE to remove Trump’s ACTIVE SECURITY CLEARANCE.” – A few weeks AFTER Smith handed down classified documents indictment.

Trump’s lawyers told Judge Cannon this afternoon they have evidence that the Biden White House collaborated with NARA, DOJ, and intel agencies to determine which documents to include in Jack Smith’s indictment.

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Connecticut Democrat Judge OVERTURNS Bridgeport Mayoral Primary Results, Orders New Election – Following Shocking Video Evidence of Ballot Box Stuffing Fraud

A Democrat Judge in Connecticut overturned the results of the Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary.

Superior Court Judge William Clark ordered a new election to be held, citing bombshell video evidence of election fraud as the basis for his decision. The ruling has far-reaching implications, not just for Bridgeport but for the entire country, as it sets a precedent for ongoing and future cases involving mail-in ballot fraud.

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I'm Nate Houstman

I'm a blogger, podcaster, and web design and business consultant. Economic freedom is my mission, so I talk about money, entrepreneurship, and I expose the corruption in the financial system.

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