Original Article By BeckerNews.com:
Politically alert Americans were rightly incensed when D.C. politicians seized upon yet another sleepy holiday season to cram an overstuffed “omnibus” spending bill filled up with goodies for special interests down the narrow chimney representing taxpayers’ ever-shrinking ability to pay for it.
$575 million towards ‘family planning’ and ‘reproductive health.’ $1.2 million for centers that support LGBTQ students at a San Diego Community College District. $3 million towards the New York Historical Society’s ‘American LGBTQ+ Museum Partnership Project.’ $750,000 to the Translatin Coalition. And a brand new “pandemic czar” to replace the elf-like Anthony Fauci, who is apparently hitching a ride with Santa to get the h-e-double-hockeysticks out of Washington before any wild-eyed senators from Kentucky can exact a highly televised reckoning upon him.
But while Fauci is destined to while away his remaining years chained to a tinker’s table at the North Pole (let a writer dream), it may come as some surprise that the Washington politicians also make this year’s “naughty list” for seeking to snatch away Americans’ firearms while looting presents from their Christmas trees.
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The Gun Owners of America has compiled a “naughty list” of their own: 12 ways that the spending bill assaults American citizens’ constitutional right to bear arms.
- Massive 14.1% ATF Budget Increase to Facilitate Biden’s Pistol Ban
- $14.4 Million for ATF’s NTC Budget to Maintain it’s Illegal Near-Billion Record Gun Registry
- $700+ Million in Funding Available to Bribe States to Pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Laws
- Directing VA Medical Centers to Utilize Confiscation Orders on Vulnerable Veterans
- Department of Education to Push “Safe Storage” of Parents’ Firearms
- Funding for VA to Maintain “Gun Storage Maps” to Keep Tabs on Where Veterans Keep Guns
- New Annual Compensation for Families of Deceased ATF Agents Could be an Indication of Upcoming Gun Confiscation
- Gun Control Earmarks for “Orchid Healing Circles” and More!
- Dickey Violations Galore While CDC Suppresses Self-Defense Statistics
- Programs Discouraging Women from Exercising their Second Amendment Rights
- Anti-Gun “Community Violence Intervention” Initiatives
- “Violent Anti-Government Ideology” and “Domestic Radicalization Research”
While taken separately, each one may appear to be relatively benign. Scratch the surface, however, and what you find is a full-fledged effort to “change America’s gun culture,” and more nefariously, to track nearly one billion firearms in the United States, including providing this sensitive data to foreign governments.
“In the ATF’s FY 2023 appropriations request, the agency asked for $14,400,000 to modernize the National Tracing Center [NTC], which is the branch that maintains, accesses, and searches ATF’s digital and searchable gun registries,” GOA notes. “This funding would ‘[i]ncrease[] by more than 40% the funding for the National Tracing Center.”
The ATF reveals how the system will be modernized: “This initiative to consolidate firearms tracing applications through an eTrace modernization effort with enhanced data sharing capabilities will serve as a key building block in significantly improving the operational proficiency of the NTC Division.”
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As GOA explains, “This data sharing technology will upgrade ATF’s gun registry, after which the National Tracing Center will be able to more effectively search the 920,664,765, and growing, records in the registry and create a door-to-door confiscation list of Americans who lawfully purchased these newly banned firearms, such as AR-15 pistols.”
Even more problematic for this harrowing picture, the ATF also proposes that this enhanced gun registry will not only be useful for American law enforcement, but also for the many “foreign law enforcement agencies (including Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, most of Central America, parts of Western Europe, Australia, and Japan) utilizing eTrace” to search for Americans’ registered firearms.
As Becker News ascertained, an eTrace fact sheet states that, “As of January 2020, more than 7,800 law enforcement agencies use eTrace in their investigations, including agencies from 47 foreign countries.” Thus, this isn’t mere hyperbole from a “far-right” source. The ATF openly boasts about it.
So, if you thought the 18 Senate Republicans who voted for the $1.7 trillion spending monstrosity were merely tone-deaf spendthrifts, they are far worse than that. They are duplicitous uniparty hacks who have stabbed law-abiding gun owners in the back, while seeking to disarm them of the means to defend themselves.
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